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Eliane Karp’s “master move”: Toledo’s wife still owns properties in Peru for S/ 20 million

Eliane Karp's "master move": Toledo's wife still owns properties in Peru for S/ 20 million
As revealed by the superior prosecutor Francisco Avellaneda, the Public Ministry has been making every effort for the State to recover these properties.
Former President Alejandro Toledo, who is serving preventive detention in the Barbadillo prison, was repatriated in April of this year from the United States. (Andean)
That Eliane Karp traveled from the United States to Israel, where she currently resides, complicated the prosecution, because the justice bodies must now send the notification to that country

“We would have shortened much more time, and do it to a reality closer to us, such as North America, a country with which we also have an extradition treaty,” the prosecutor said.

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