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Elisabeth Borne undertakes to halve the time required to obtain an identity document by the summer

The Prime Minister wants to reduce the renewal time for identity cards and passports, while the average duration is currently 66 days.

Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne wants to “very sharply reduce” the deadlines for obtaining or renewing a passport and an identity card and undertakes this Friday to halve them by the summer, when the average deadline is 66 days to renew an identity document.

“66 days on average, it’s too long,” she says, during a trip to Buzançais, in Indre.

“The goal we have set ourselves is to be at 30 days this summer and to go to 20 days in the fall and to have appointments available everywhere in France”, she promises.

No appointment available in some municipalities

“Many French people today have difficulty obtaining or renewing an identity document. These are both deadlines that are too long, it’s 66 days on average to have an appointment”, explains she.

“It is in some towns downright impossible to have an appointment and suddenly the need for some French people to go to a town far from their home”, she further developed, ensuring that the request appointments has “increased sharply” compared to the period preceding the Covid-19 pandemic.

“With the measures we have taken in recent months, we are already offering 40% more appointments compared to a year ago,” she said.

Objective now: to offer “1.8 million appointments per month”, a doubling compared to a year ago, according to the Prime Minister

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