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Elon Musk: “AI has the potential to destroy our civilization”

AIt is believed that Elon Musk, the entrepreneur responsible for leading Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter, intends to create a new company in the area of ​​Artificial Intelligence (AI) but, despite this, seems to have a more cautious approach towards this technology .

In an interview with Fox News, Musk said that people should be “cautious about AI” and that he considers this technology “a danger to the public”. Musk also noted that this must be a technology regulated by the US government.

“I think we have a better chance of AI being beneficial to humanity under these circumstances.”noted the entrepreneur. “AI is more dangerous than, say, a poorly managed aircraft project, production maintenance project or a car. In the sense that it has the potential – however small let’s look at that possibility – but it’s not trivial and it has the potential to destroy our civilization”.

Also Read: Government has to create an emergency plan to stop AI, says Elon Musk

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