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Elon Musk is fed up with Twitter? He confesses that he would sell the company

Elon Musk paid 44 billion dollars per Twitter, in one of the largest operations related to the technology and media industry in recent times. Now is willing to sell the company.

Sure, on your own terms.

And today, no one is willing to fulfill them, especially for a social network that has fallen into the maelstrom precisely since Musk took power.

The statements were made in a tense interview with BBC journalist James Clayton. Even the technology correspondent ended the note, but Musk extended the conversation for another 30 minutes.

“If someone offers to buy Twitter right now for what I paid, I would refuse (…) Today the most important thing would be to find a buyer who appreciates the truth, instead of what you would pay. I don’t care about money,” she stated, according to Yahoo! Finance.

Layoffs on Elon Musk’s Twitter

Elon Musk also referred to the layoffs in the company, reducing about 80% of the workforce. “It’s not fun at all,” said the billionaire, and sometimes “It can be painful.” The company needed “drastic action” as it faced “a $3 billion negative cash flow situation.”

“(Twitter) only had 4 months to live (…) This is not a situation of care or indifference. It’s like, if the whole ship sinks, then nobody has a job.” stressed.

Let’s remember the main controversies that have occurred on Twitter since the arrival of Elon Musk.

The controversial route of the last months in the social network

The tycoon offered to take over the company in April 2022, for a value of 44 billion dollars. However, he later tried to get out of the deal, with the argument of the number of bots on the platform.

Legal pressure from the company’s Board of Directors forced him to pay the established moneyassuming full control in October.

Immediately afterwards, Elon Musk started with the wave of layoffs: first among the executives, and then by the staff, reaching the figure of 6 thousand people on the street.

The South African would push for several changes, including:

The charge for the verification badge and the process of eliminating the badge among the former verified that do not pay for it.

the return of accounts that had been suspended for disseminating hate speech or disinformation, including in the latter case that of former President Donald Trump.

The end to the veto against the news considered false about COVID-19.

Many sponsors decided to withdraw from the platform before the chaotic constant of changes, but according to Musk others are coming back. “Twitter is now more or less at a breakeven point,” he noted, according to CNN.

Elon Musk would not ban TikTok in the United States

In the interview with the BBC, Elon Musk also criticized the scrutiny against TikTok by the US government. “Usually I am against banning things. I mean, it would help Twitter, I guess, if TikTok was banned, because then people would spend more time on Twitter and less time on TikTok.”

“But while that would help Twitter, generally (I) would be against banning things.”

Elon Musk’s full interview with the BBC, almost an hour long, can be found at is link from the British chain.

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