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Elon Musk needs money: Twitter opens its advertising platform to cannabis companies

Elon Musk keep looking for money even under the rocks to keep the Twitter ship afloat. Now the social media company is easing its advertising policies to allow cannabis companies to promote their brands on the service.

According to a report published on the website of Engadgetthese changes turn Twitter into the first major social media platform to welcome marijuana ads in the United States.

In a blog postTwitter reported on it: “In the future, Twitter will allow advertisers to promote brand preference and informational content related to cannabis for CBD, THC and cannabis related products and services”.

While the change will allow companies that sell cannabis products to advertise their businesses, there will still be some restrictions on what can appear in ads.

What will be the restrictions for cannabis ads?

Axios explained that the ads may not directly “promote or offer to sell cannabis”, with the exception of certain CBD products. Also exist Age and location-related restrictions that limit who cannabis-related ads can target.

The change is the latest way Twitter has tweaked its rules under the leadership of Elon Musk to allow content that was once banned. The policy update also comes at a time when many advertisers have abandoned the platform or significantly reduced their spend.

In its announcement, Twitter suggested that cannabis companies could reach a large audience on the platform, noting that the cannabis-related conversation “is broader than conversation about topics like pets, cooking, and golf, as well as food categories.” and drinks”.

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