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Elon Musk reveals that Twitter will become WhatsApp: it will support calls, encrypted messages and more

Elon Musk it has new ambitions for Twitter and now it seems that it is looking to turn the social network into an instant messaging application that could compete with WhatsApp.

During the most recent months of this year 2023 we have witnessed the multiple turbulences through which the now second richest man in the world has gone through. A series of bad financial decisions, a rocket that exploded and the endless setbacks he has had in the blue bird’s social network have triggered a kind of crisis in Elon Musk’s finances.

But if we go back to October 2022, the scenario looked much more promising back then. There, still optimistic about the forced purchase of the platform, the executive stated that Twitter would help him create an “all in one” app.

Following the same vision as other Chinese companies, where applications such as WeChat, the stellar application of the Chinese firm Tencent with more than 1,200 million users.

WeChat is considered a super app, since you can do everything there, from ordering a taxi to making transfers, buying items, chatting with your contacts, sending memes, and much more.

Now everything indicates that Elon would be about to start his journey towards that future for his social network.

Twitter will start accepting encrypted calls and direct messages

Through his official Twitter account Elon Musk revealed the plans almost immediate for the platform to start implementing some improvements, changes and serious modifications to its interface in order to start allowing calls and chats through encrypted messages:

“With the latest version of the app, you can direct message any message in the thread (not just the most recent) and use any emoji reaction.

The release of encrypted DMs V1.0 should happen tomorrow. This will grow in sophistication quickly. The litmus test is that I can’t see your DMs even if I had a gun pointed at my head.

There will soon be voice and video chats to anyone on this platform, so you can talk to people anywhere in the world without giving them your phone number.”

According to a report from Yahoo! Newsthese changes could be driven in part by the latest controversy surrounding WhatsApp.

Where an alleged bug would have alerted users after verifying en masse that the application’s microphone would be activated out of nowhere at dawn, raising doubts about the real privacy of the platform.

Such a situation made Musk react, stating that WhatsApp is not trustworthy:

Now everything indicates that he will take advantage of the situation to boost Twitter.

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