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Elon Musk threatens to sue Xbox and Microsoft

It is no longer possible to share screenshots or videos directly from Xbox on Twitter, this since the two companies fell out with each other regarding the underlying API service that enables the function. Something Microsoft, Xbox and everyone else who uses it nowadays is expected to pay for in line with the internal changes Twitter has made to its services and solutions. Not entirely unexpectedly, many people are not particularly eager to cough up money for something that has so far been free.

This has caused Microsoft to pull the handbrake and completely stop using Twitter’s API, something that also affects more than just the Xbox sharing function and on one of the company’s help sections can now read the following:

“Starting on April 25, 2023, Smart Campaigns with Multi-platform will no longer support Twitter.

As of April 25, 2023, you’ll be unable to:
Access your Twitter account through our social management tool
Create and manage drafts or Tweets
View past Tweets and engagement
Schedule Tweets

Other social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn will continue to be available.”

This has angered Elon as he claims that Microsoft used Twitter data to train the AI ​​behind ChatGPT and now he is threatening to meeting the company if they do not pay for themselves.

What do you think about Twitter starting to charge for its API and is Elon right in his criticism of Microsoft, should they pay for themselves?

Musk is really gross!
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