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Emiliano Amor is complicated by his injury. The great opportunity for Alan Saldivia in Colo Colo?

The Argentine defender’s ankle injury has not given him respite and his recovery has not met the expected deadlines. For his part, the Uruguayan has added bonuses in the preseason and can occupy the quota of foreigner of Love when it cannot be considered.

© Colo ColoAlan Saldivia has been working with the first team for a long time.

Since his arrival at the beginning of the 2021 season, Emiliano Amor has been a key player in the defense of Colo Colo, becoming one of the most used players by Gustavo Quinteros. However, his physical effort caused him a rebellious ankle injury that still keeps him in cotton pads.

The defender had to undergo surgery in the middle of last year and was off the pitch for several weeks. Later he returned to a high level, but suffered from his ailment in the friendly with River Plate and for this reason he will not be considered at the start of the 2023 National Championship.

The chance for Saldivia

In the Cacique’s medical staff they estimated that The recovery time of the Argentine would be about 40 days. Unfortunately, deadlines are not being met as expected and there is concernto the point that it is not ruled out looking for a new central defender in this transfer market.

But this situation can become a great opportunity for a young man who has been putting pressure on for a long time as he is Alan Saldivia. The charrúa came to test to replicate the successful formula of Pablo Solari and has left pleasant sensations for a long time in the sub21.

That is why the young Uruguayan is part of the preseason of the Eternal Champion in Argentina and has surprised Gustavo Quinteros in a good way with a high level in the friendly matches against Racing and Huracán.

The big problem for him to appear in the citations is his status as a foreigner. Nevertheless, the absence of Love opens that foreign quota to break into the first team. In this way, he can become an unexpected reinforcement for this season.

The facets in which Saldivia stands out are the aerial game and the strengthwhich are also virtues of Emiliano Amor, which is why the coaching staff wants to start giving him more prominence in the different tournaments that the Cacique will play.

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