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Employees of the Judicial Branch will receive a salary increase this month

Employees of the Judicial Branch will receive a salary increase this month

The presiding judge of the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico, Maite Oronoz Rodríguez, announced on Wednesday the implementation of the revisions to the Compensation Plan that applies to employees of the Judiciary. The entry into force will be retroactive to July 1, 2023.

“Over the past few months, the Office of Court Administration team has engaged in a dialogue process with the Fiscal Control Board in which we advocated for the best possible plan for all employees so that we can attract and retain best talent”, highlighted the presiding judge at a round table, who was accompanied by the administrative director of the Courts, Sigfrido Steidel Figueroa.

Beginning in November 2022, the Office of Court Administration shared information with the Fiscal Oversight Board to update the Judiciary Compensation Plan. The initial proposal included guaranteeing a minimum increase of $200 to each employee, but the Board ruled it out on the grounds that it was not consistent with the Public Service Reform launched since January 2023.

Within the established criteria, there will be people who receive significant salary adjustments and other staff whose salary is already competitive, so the change will not be substantial. Those employees who received a salary lower than the minimum of the revised Compensation Plan, will have their salary adjusted to the new minimum of the scale. Those who received a salary higher than the new minimum will be adjusted to the next higher intermediate rate.

On average, the salary adjustment amounts to $345 per month, with the highest being $1,830.

In the Judiciary, 99.8 percent of the personnel would benefit from a salary adjustment. The post-revision adjustment is in addition to the $200 per month increase granted in July 2022. The revised Compensation Plan, as well as relevant informational material, is available on the Judiciary website. To access, visit

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