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End of an era: Microsoft accessories end, Surface takes over as a brand

An era is about to end at Microsoft – even if not everything will change in the end. Because the Redmond group will no longer manufacture accessories under the Microsoft name. Such peripherals will still exist in the future, but under the Surface brand.

Surface has long been the central brand of the Redmond company’s hardware efforts. Initially, it only included the hybrid tablets of the same name, but PCs, laptops and smartphones have now been added that bear this name. Soon this brand will also include additional peripherals. Then Nikkei (via The Verge) reports that Microsoft is responding to the crisis in the PC market and is streamlining its PC business.

Ultimately, it is primarily the designation that changes here, because you will also be able to buy peripherals from Microsoft in the future. However, Muse, keyboards and webcams are no longer sold under the group’s name, but run under the Surface brand.

Nevertheless, this step is a bit historical, since it marks the end of an era. Microsoft hardware first appeared in 1983, when the Redmond-based company released its first mouse. “In the future, we will focus on our portfolio of Windows PC accessories under the Surface brand,” said Microsoft spokesman Dan Laycock.

Existing accessories will be sold off

Laycock continued, “We will continue to offer a range of Surface-branded PC accessories – including Muse, keyboards, pens, docks, adaptive accessories and more. Existing Microsoft-branded PC accessories, including Muse, keyboards and webcams, will be included in the existing markets will continue to be offered at existing retail prices while stocks last.”

It remains to be seen how this change will affect prices: since Surface products are usually in higher-priced regions, there is or always was Microsoft hardware that was available cheaply. We’ll only see which products make the “leap” to Surface, and that will probably become apparent in the coming weeks and months.

  • Microsoft will manufacture peripherals under the Surface brand in the future.
  • Microsoft hardware since 1983.
  • Dan Laycock: Focus on Windows PC accessories on Surface.
  • Microsoft PC accessories still available while supplies last.
  • Impact on prices still unclear.
  • Which products are moving to Surface, visible in the next few months.

See also:

Microsoft, Keyboard, Keyboard, Mouse, Mouse, Microsoft Designer Compact Keyboard, Microsoft Bluetooth Ergonomic Mouse

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