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Ended up in the middle of the drama: – Very uncomfortable

NB! This article contains spoilers if you haven’t seen Wednesday’s episode of Farmen kendis.

The celebrity farm contestant withdraws after a big row

Already in episode two, it becomes dramatic on Farmen kendis when Lina Adampour claims that Ørnulf Høyer has used the word “pakkis”. Høyer does not understand where this is coming from, and it all ends in a loud discussion, which in turn ends with Adampour resigning.

Landed in the middle

But before this, Christopher Mørch Husby drags them into the argument, to get him to confirm, or deny, what has been said. In the episode, the 33-year-old says that he cannot remember that Høyer used the word “pakkis”.

– I ended up very involuntarily in the middle. It took me a long time to understand what this argument was about, says Mørch Husby when he is a guest on Good evening Norway.

TIRED: Christopher was not prepared for how hard the Farm was. Photo: Martin Habbestad / Good evening Norway

He explains that he struggled to bring things with him because he was so tired.

– We worked so insanely hard. It may have looked like I was participating in the conversations, but I didn’t catch anything because I was so tired. I just mirrored all the others who were there, he explains.

Christopher became good at one thing in particular at the Farm

Felt it in my stomach

Mørch Husby is not fond of drama and did not think it was fun to end up between Adampour and Høyer.

– I found it very uncomfortable, especially because I was called in to confirm that something had been said, or deny it. So I felt very caught in the middle, and I knew so little about the situation and what had happened, he says.

The argument arose after Høyer and Adampour were to have a chat in the yard.

– They were standing outside in the yard and suddenly we heard slamming doors, screaming and shouting. Then I felt it in my stomach right away, says Mørch Husby.

Reveals – contestant smuggled razor blades into abdomen

Foretold drama

There was early warning of a lot of drama in this year’s Farm celebrity.

– There is an incredible amount of sick things happening in there, so I am very excited about the first week, said Sofie Karlstad to Good evening Norway in December.

Mørch Husby was surprised by all the noise.

– I remember telling TV 2 that I wouldn’t be involved if there was a lot of drama, to which they replied that there shouldn’t be. So then I thought: “King, I’m in.” Because all drama is not something I want in my life, says Mørch Husby.

– But then there was drama on day one, and drama on day two, says the 33-year-old, laughing.

Nor was he prepared for the amount of work that had to be done on a farm in 1923.

– We worked an insane amount. I was so tired. I probably wouldn’t have joined if I knew how hard it was, adds the 33-year-old.

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