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Energy company: Lützerath eviction: RWE wants compensation from activists

After the Lützerath eviction, RWE announced civil law action. Demonstrators would have to reckon with a claim for damages.

After the village of Lützerath was cleared, the energy company RWE announced that it would take civil action against the demonstrators. “Of course, all disrupters have to expect a claim for damages,” said company spokesman Guido Steffen of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (Saturday). However, it is not yet possible to quantify how high these could be. There is still no final damage assessment in connection with the evacuation.

RWE: Considerable damage to property during protests

According to information from the newspaper, RWE recently announced that it would sue a person for 1.4 million euros in damages who had chained himself to the tracks to the Neurath coal-fired power plant in 2021. According to its own statements, RWE therefore had to shut down the power plant.

More on the topic: How the NRW Greens were able to run into the Lützerath trap

Lützerath, which belongs to Erkelenz near Düsseldorf and Cologne, was evacuated in a day-long large-scale police operation against the resistance of hundreds of climate activists. RWE wants to mine lignite there. According to the energy company, there was considerable property damage, including to the group’s vehicles and systems. In addition, several wells and switchgear were destroyed. (AFP/dpa)

Also read: After Lützerath, the climate movement is threatened with paralysis

More articles from this category can be found here: Economy in NRW

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