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Energy crisis: Algeria prepares to fly to the aid of Europe

Since the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine, European countries have faced an unprecedented energy crisis. In France, the country is even considering an electricity rationing plan to deal with the winter period of 2023.

To cope with this energy crisis, the leaders of European countries, including Italy and Spain, have continued to go back and forth to Algiers so that Algeria becomes one of their source of supply.

On the export side of GAZ, Algeria and Sonatrach have sealed partnership contracts with several Spanish and Italian companies. But what about electricity? Will Algeria fly to the aid of European countries in need?

“An opportunity” to increase exports

In his periodic interview granted to representatives of national media last Thursday. President Abdelmadjid Tebboune speaks on the issue of the energy crisis in Europe, announcing indirectly that Algeria was going to fly to the aid of certain European countries.

“Some European countries cut off the electricity supply to their citizens at certain times. And this, within the framework of energy austerity measures. For us, this constitutes an opportunity to strengthen Algerian energy exports (…) Algeria has offered to export the surplus of its electricity production to Europe”, launches the Head of State.

According to President Tebboune, Italy has even offered to build an electric cable linking Algeria to Europe at the closest point to the Italian coast.

“With Italy, we only have a distance of 270 kilometers that separates us from the Italian point closest to the coast (…) Algeria has great capacities in the field of electricity production,” he underlines. -he.

The head of state did not stop there. He adds: “All means are available to obtain energy from Algeria. Even countries that don’t have a gas pipeline”.

A file that seems important for Tebboune

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune during a weekly cabinet meeting. Photo credit: The Presidency of the Republic (El Mouradia)

The issue of energy exports to Europe seems to be important for President Tebboune who today again mentioned the issue.

During the meeting of the Council of Ministers this Sunday, December 25. The Head of State underlined the importance of the energy export dossier to European countries.

Indeed, the President of the Republic has enjoined the Minister of Energy to work to raise the level of gas production. Why ? To preserve the national consumption average, but also to strengthen exports in fulfillment of the commitments made by Algeria vis-à-vis its foreign partners.

Along the same lines, the Head of State insisted on the development of hydrogen in Algeria, calling for the creation of new energy sources. “The world is moving towards clean energy today,” he said, according to a statement from the Council of Ministers.

For this, he urged the sectors concerned by this strategy to use seawater desalination stations to develop hydrogen.

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