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Enhance Work | When do I charge and how much do they pay in April 2023?

The Ministry of Social Development and ANSES continue with the payment schedule for holders of the Empower Work program. The collection dates

By iProfessional

01/04/2023 – 10,20hs

They are not few beneficiaries who wonder:When Collection Strengthen Work of the ANSES in April 2023?

This program acquired great importance among the benefits granted by ANSES. The plan to promote work aims to contribute to improving employment and generating new productive proposals through the development of socio-productive, socio-community, socio-labour projects and educational terminality, in order to promote full social inclusion for people who are in a situation of social and economic vulnerability.

Also, the Enhance Work plan It is intended for individuals who were under the “We Make the Future” and “Community Productive Projects” programs.

How to know the collection date of boosting work?

Los payment schedules of all the benefits of the social security body -including retirement and pensions- can be consulted through the body’s website, on its Facebook and Twitter accounts or by calling 130. Below are the details.

How to know the collection date of boosting work?

What date is charged to promote Work in April 2023?

Specifically, ANSES and the Ministry of Social Development will activate the Monday, April 3 the payment schedule for holders of the Empower Work program.

How much does Potenciar Trabajo charge in April 2023?

The beneficiaries of Potenciar Trabajo receive in April 2023, 34.750 pesos.

To verify and ratify the collection in the Empower Work program of the Ministry of Social Development, you must enter the Mi Argentina application.

In addition, for any questions, people can contact the Ministry of Social Development at 0800-222-3294 or (011) 4320-3380. Another option is to communicate by email at (email protected)

How do I sign up for Potenciar Trabajo?

How do I sign up for Potenciar Trabajo?

  • If the registration to Potenciar Trabajo is reopened, you must:
  • Go to the national government website
  • Click on “Complete Form”
  • Complete the fields with the data required by Renatep and follow the steps
  • Download the voucher

Among the data requested, the following stand out:

  • ID number
  • Birthdate
  • Sex according to ID
  • Gender
  • Province
  • Municipality
  • Location
  • Address where you are living
  • Landline or cell phone
  • Email address
  • Preferred form of contact (SMS or Email)
  • Highest educational level achieved
  • Renatep and incompatibilities

It should also be taken into account that people interested in being part of RENATEP They must not present the following incompatibilities:

  • Be the owner of more than 2 properties.
  • Be the owner of more than 3 cars. Motorcycles are not considered.

In both cases -real estate and automobiles- one of said assets must be assigned to the economic enterprise.

if in addition to work in the popular economy sectorhave a job in a dependency relationship, the salary received for this job cannot exceed the Minimum, Vital and Mobile Salary.

If you are enrolled in the simplified regime for small taxpayers, only categories A, B, C and D or holders of the Social Monotributo will be admitted.

Who can access the Potenciar Trabajo plan

Who can access the Potenciar Trabajo plan

This plan is compatible with the following beneficiaries:

  • Universal Child Allowance (AUH).
  • Universal Assignment for Pregnancy (AUE).
  • Economic or material benefits of a housing nature and/or family protection granted by the National, Provincial or Municipal State or the Government of the City of Buenos Aires such as, for example, the My Piece Plan and the Accompany Program.
  • Benefits of a Alimentary Nature, for example, the Alimentar Card.
  • Independent workers who are registered in the Social Monotribute.
  • Dependent workers registered under the Special Regime of Work Contract for Personnel of Private Houses.
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