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Enrique Guzmán sends a message to Frida Sofía on Valentine’s Day and she responds

The veteran singer assures that the lawsuit against him will not proceed.

The festivities of Day of love and Friendship are the perfect occasion for iron out rough edges and reconcile with people at least that’s how it was for Enrique Guzmanwho took advantage of his recent meeting with the press to send a warm message to Frida Sofiaher granddaughter.

“That I love her, although she thinks not, but I do love her with all my soul,” the veteran singer told the media upon his arrival at the CDMX airport, to whom he also told that the legal process that she filed against him has calmed down and that he hopes that he soon realizes his mistake.

The singer spoke about his granddaughter’s lawsuit for the first time in a long time.

“The matter has calmed down a lot. I fear that Frida still does not realize the damage, her loves of her life are really dual, ”added the father of Alejandra Guzmán, who at all times He has denied the harsh accusations his granddaughter made against him during an interview with Gustavo Adolfo Infante for ‘De Primera Mano’ in April 2021.

Frida Sofía responds to her grandfather’s message

Enrique Guzmán’s statements did not go unnoticed by the rocker’s daughter, who turned to her Instagram account to show off in a video, which she presented with the phrase “Here comes the chingad*zo.” In this way, she implies that the legal process continues and that it has no intention of suspending it.

“I think more than I speak and the best of all is that I observe absolutely everything to finally give a damn, well dead mosquito those are the worst. A silent woman is like a pistol with a silencer”, it is heard saying in the audio that Frida Sofia used to accompany the video, which many have seen as a hint and threat.

It may interest you: Frida Sofía denounces that Enrique Guzmán groped her since she was 5 years old

What happened between Frida Sofía and Enrique Guzmán?

The singer’s daughter made strong statements against her grandfather.

as you mentioned The Truth News previously, Frida Sofia denounced Enrique Guzman if there is inappropriately touched when he was barely five years old. Said statement caused a family break between her and her grandfather, who was also joined by her mother. Follow us on Google news, Facebook and Twitter to keep you informed with today’s news!

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