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Enrique Santos responds to criticism in an interview with Lenier Mesa

Enrique Santos responds to criticism in an interview with Lenier Mesa

The Cuban-American announcer Enrique Santos He responded to the criticism received for his interview with the reggaeton singer Lenier Tableregarding his trip to Cuba last August during the Santa María Music Fest.

This week Lenier was on Santos’ radio program, where he denied any complicity with the regime Castro, and assured that he went to the Island as part of the singer 6ix9ine’s tour for the joint album they made, and also to see his grandfather.

Now Enrique wrote a text on his networks in which he remembers that he was born in the United States and affirms that he has never visited Cuba nor will he.

“Nor would I go to a place where I know that my money would be used to finance and keep in power that dictatorship that has caused so much damage, pain, trauma, abuse to its people,” he said on his Instagram account.

The announcer pointed out that during his career he has had the opportunity to interview politicians, artists and all kinds of people, good and bad, people with whom he agrees and with whom he does not.

“Always with the aim of learning and understanding the difference of opinion, something that unfortunately does not exist in many of our countries due to communism and dictatorships that seek to silence, manipulate, abuse and control their people,” he explained.

“Just because I interviewed a person doesn’t mean that I think the same,” he stressed.

According to Enrique, unfortunately in the Cuban community in the United States there are people who only seek to “feed hatred and division for their own monetary benefit.”

“My radio program and my networks will always be a platform to inform and dialogue but always with respect. Long live FREE Cuba and down with the cruel and murderous communist Castro dictatorship,” he concluded.

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