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Enrollment at the FOTOPOETICA School of Photography 2023-2024

Photographic poetics is a coherent toolkit of visual expressions. The FOTOPOETICA School of Photography was established in 2007.

PhotopoeticsPhoto: Francisc Mraz

The school organizes courses lasting one school year, with weekly sessions of 3-4 hours.

In the last 16 years, more than 50 exhibitions have been opened, both in Romania and abroad (Lisbon, Paris, Budapest, Madrid, Sarajevo, Belgrade, Ruse, etc.).

In the 16 years of existence of the FOTOPOETICA School of Photography, more than 300 students have graduated.

Registration for the 2023-2024 course is done by October 15, 2023, by e-mail to the following address:

The subject of the message will be “Registration for photopoetics course” and will include: applicant’s name and surname, place and date of birth, last completed form of education, a short CV, e-mail and contact phone number.

Information about the start of the course will be communicated to each individual applicant, to the e-mail address given in the registration application.

The course is organized in three stages: October-January, February-April and May-July, thus ensuring the full variety of seasons for outdoor photography.

The detailed syllabus will be communicated to those registered at the beginning of the courses.

For additional information write to or call 0722 203 529.

Additional details:

Photos by Francisc Mraz, founder and coordinator of FOTOPOETICA

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