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Environmental protests force cancellation of more than 100 flights

Environmental protests force cancellation of more than 100 flights

FRANKFURT.-Germany’s busiest airport cancelled more than 100 flights on Thursday after climate activists mounted a concerted effort to disrupt air traffic across Europe at the height of the summer holiday season to denounce the threat posed by climate change.

Frankfurt airport said flights had been halted for security reasons after several activists forced their way through security fences, prompting a deployment of police, firefighters and airport security.

All runways were operational by 7:50 a.m., the airport said in a statement. Some 140 flights had been cancelled so far, but further disruptions were expected later in the day, the center said.

“We strongly condemn these unauthorised demonstrations and reserve the right to take legal action against the participants,” the airport said. “Their activities pose a serious risk to flight operations, which could put human lives at risk.”

Environmental groups said they planned to stage actions at European airports this summer to remind people of the connection between fossil fuels, such as those used by airlines, and climate change. The groups are calling for governments around the world to end the extraction and consumption of fossil fuels by 2030.

Monday was the hottest day ever recorded on Earth, according to climate data, as human-caused climate change continues to drive record heat and increasing extreme weather events. Global oil and gas investment is expected to rise 7% this year, according to the International Energy Agency, despite global pledges to cut fuel use.

Air traffic is considered one of the activities that emits the most carbon dioxide, and the aviation industry is expected to grow continuously in the coming decades despite efforts to contain the climate crisis.

The Last Generation group said six protesters allegedly cut holes in the perimeter fence and walked to the tracks on foot, bicycles and scooters.

It was the second day in a row that a Last Generation protest caused disruption at a German airport.

Five protesters blocked the runway at Cologne-Bonn airport on Wednesday, causing a three-hour flight disruption. Thirty-one flights were cancelled. Other protests or attempted protests were held in other European countries.

Similar actions took place on Wednesday in Finland, Norway, Switzerland and Spain.

At Helsinki airport, a handful of activists blocked the main check-in area for about 30 minutes, although police said the protest had not caused any flight delays or other problems.

At Oslo’s main airport, Gardermoen, three activists gained access to the runway area on Wednesday morning and waved flags, halting air traffic for half an hour. Police said there had been no major flight delays.

Police in London said they had prevented a protest at Heathrow Airport that could have had a major impact on Europe’s largest airport. Seven members of a group known as Just Stop Oil were arrested at Heathrow and three others elsewhere in an “intelligence-led” operation, the Metropolitan Police said in a statement.

One of those arrested in London was Sean Callaghan, 29, who described himself as an environmental educator.

“I will be doing actions at airports this summer because I can’t see a way that we can inspire and encourage students about the future of our planet,” Callaghan said in a video shared on social media.

The German government approved a law last week that would impose tougher penalties for people who breach security perimeters at airports.

The bill, which still needs approval by lawmakers, provides for penalties of up to two years in prison for people who deliberately trespass on airport areas such as runways or landing strips, endanger civil aviation or allow others to do so. For now, such intrusions can only lead to a fine. The new law would provide for sentences of up to five years in some cases.

Source: Con

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