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Epic Games Store: Get the Kerbal Space Program for free until January 12th

In the Epic Games Store there are always different games available for free. In today’s case, that’s the game “Kerbal Space Program“, which should normally cost just under 40 euros. Kerbal Space Program (KSP) is a space simulation game in which you can create your own space agency and direct interplanetary exploration of the planets of the Kerbol system.

The game offers you the opportunity to design, build and fly rockets, spaceships and probes to plan and carry out your own space missions. You can assemble your spacecraft from a variety of components to customize them for the specific needs of your missions. You can also exploit the game’s physics to simulate complex flight maneuvers and rocket launches. KSP offers an extensive sandbox experience that invites you to unleash your creativity and explore the frontiers of space travel. You can get the game in the promotion for free in the store up to and including January 12, 5 p.m.

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