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Epic Games Store: the next free game has leaked, it will make people happy

Like every week, a new free Epic Games Store game awaits you at 5:00 p.m. sharp. Small surprise, the next gift was revealed in advance.

Like every Thursday, the Epic Games Store offers users the opportunity to collect one or more free games. Sometimes the platform also offers some in-game bonuses, often for popular free-to-plays. A commercial operation that was originally intended to promote Steam’s competing store, but which has endured over the years until it has become an essential ritual for PC gamers. Tomorrow afternoon, a new gift will be available, but which one? Here’s the schedule for the next two weeks, with the next free Epic Games Store game revealed ahead of time.

The new free Epic Games Store game

We know the song by heart now. Thursday afternoon rhymes with free games. The Epic Games Store continues to distribute gifts each week, allowing PC players to fill their toy library without taking out their credit card. Most of the time, these are small independent productions that deserve to be known to the general public as they are appreciated by their community. Sometimes there are a few big licenses that spice things up. For the next few days, it’s a rather confidential title that will be in the spotlight. From 3March 0 to April 6, 2023 at 5:00 p.m., it will indeed be possible to recover Tunche.

This new free Epic Games Store game takes the form of a beat ’em up hack and slash with roguelike elements. In this title, the eponymous superpowered being has lost his mind, leaving evil creatures to spread through the jungle and take control of it. It’s up to little Rumi and her friends to unravel the mystery surrounding the actions of this deity and bring peace to the Amazon rainforest. Journey through four different worlds all containing unique enemies, bosses, challenges and stories. Note that Tunches is playable solo or in local co-op. A little game that does not eat hands and has received a rather positive reception.

The next EGS game has already leaked

And for next week? The next free Epic Games Store game will be revealed this March 30 at 5:00 p.m. Finally it’s officially. Unofficially, his identity is already known thanks to our national leaker. Car car_kun has indeed unveiled the gift of next Thursday on its social networks. Of April 6 to 13, 2023so PC players will be able to recover Dying Light Enhanced Edition. A title acclaimed by critics and the general public that needs no introduction.

This version of the post-apocalyptic open-world game contains an expansion with your new vehicle: the buggy, which is fully modifiable. It also offers two additional quarantine zones, two packs or even gameplay improvements. This next free Epic Games Store game also includes all the content created during the first year after its launch. This includes a multiplayer mode “Play the zombie” and “Bozak’s horde”, additional missions or even new objects. In short, the ultimate experience without paying a single penny.

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