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Erick Wiemberg announces to the seven winds that he will be a father: "My life changed completely"

The colocolino reinforcement announced on his social networks that he will be a father for the first time. A beautiful news.

© instagramErick Wiemberg will be a father

Erick Wiemberg has become, over the course of the games, the reinforcement with the best performance of this 2023. The footballer immediately earned a place in the starting team with Gustavo Quinteros.

Without a doubt, a great start to the year for the player from Unión La Calera, who this Wednesday gave important news to his followers on social networks: he will become a father.

This was published on his personal Instagram account. “Now I can tell the most important news of my life. On December 26, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. my life changed completely, just by hearing the phrase ‘we will be parents’,” she said.

He also added that, “As I already said, we are going to be parents. I am very happy, excited, somewhat anxious and thousands of other emotions that are around me at this moment. I will be eternally grateful to you, my love Rosemarie Eggers for giving me the possibility of becoming a father “, he detailed.

Finally, he said that, “I promise before you and all those who will witness our little one that I will give my best effort and dedication to be an exemplary father, present, affectionate, honest and above all guide our baby to become into a good person when he grows up.”

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