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Ernaux, Haenel, Darroussin… The platform of a hundred personalities against the pension reform

In a forum, the signatories denounce a project which will “hit harder those who exercise the most difficult professions”.

The Nobel literature winner Annie Ernaux, the actress Adèle Haenel, the actor Jean-Pierre Darroussin and the writer Nicolas Mathieu are among the hundred artists and intellectuals who protest against the pension reform in a column published this Wednesday by left-wing weekly Politics.

The signatories express their “determination to fight this archaic and terribly unequal reform project” in this forum posted online Wednesday, before the publication of the magazine on newsstands Thursday, day of strike and interprofessional demonstrations against this measure.

“The reform will hit hardest those who work in the most difficult, exhausting jobs – both physically and psychologically – and who are less likely to enjoy a peaceful retirement and imagine a future after 64,” say assert the signatories.

“Seduce the Right”

“The objective, contrary to social history, is to make women and men work more and longer who aspire to rest and to give free rein to their projects in a privileged moment of life”, they continue. about this reform, which plans to push back the legal retirement age from 62 to 64 years.

According to these personalities marked on the left, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron thus wants “to seduce the right to create a majority that the ballot boxes did not give him”.

Among the signatories are also the economists Julia Cagé and Thomas Piketty, the actresses Ariane Ascaride and Corinne Masiero, the musician Dominique A, the humorist Guillaume Meurice or the host Valérie Damidot.

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