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Errors in baccalaureate marks for dozens of high school students

A bad digitization of copies of the baccalaureate led to an erroneous notation for several dozen students, indicated this Saturday, April 22 to AFP Jérôme Teillard, project manager of Parcoursup for the Ministry of Higher Education.

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These errors concern “between 50 to 100 copies”he added, thus confirming to AFP information from the magazine ” the student “. These are copies of the baccalaureate specialty tests, the results of which the students received on April 12. The students were able to consult their corrected copies online the next day in their digital version.

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This is how some students noticed that the corrected copy was incomplete or had been scanned incorrectly. “Only the beginning of my copy had been corrected”testified on Franceinfo this Saturday a student whose work in history-geography had been noted 6/20.

Notes taken into account by Parcoursup

The results of these tests with a high coefficient are this year, for the first time, taken into account in Parcoursup, the assignment procedure in higher education. The marks of these tests are therefore particularly important for high school students who wish to continue in higher education.

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“Each rectorate that is reported this type of error by students or correctors modifies the notes and files of students in their space” personal, explained Jérôme Teillard. Only errors “material” are affected by this reassessment, which does not, for the moment, concern rating disputes.

For the Parcoursup files, a process is underway “so that each training course to which these students have applied is notified by the teams” of the platform, he added.

536,081 candidates (390,710 in the general track, 145,371 in the technological track) took two specialty tests each in March.

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