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ESC legend stops: Peter Urban said goodbye so emotionally

It was not only a defeat for Germany, but also a farewell to Peter Urban. After more than 25 years, the ESC commentator is breaking up.

An era is over: after a quarter of a century, Peter Urban commented on the Eurovision Song Contest for the last time for ARD. After the singer Loreen performed her winning song again, the commentator dedicated touching words to the audience.

Peter Urban said “bye-bye”

“Dear people in Germany, this was my last ESC comment after more than 25 years. I hope I have made this unique event and its change palatable to you,” Peter Urban began his farewell.

Then the 75-year-old thanked his team, among others, who had supported him over the years. “I thank the commentators from the many countries who have become friends and my family, who have often had to do without me. Now we can watch together.”

Peter Urban is retiring after more than 25 years. (Source: IMAGO/Fotostand/Meyer)

He also thanks the spectators in front of the screens – “for the loyalty, the trust, the fun at the ESC, even in the years when things didn’t go so well for us”. It was always a pleasure and a great honor for him. “I say bye-bye to a wonderful ESC in Liverpool. Your Peter Urban. Thank you.”

“Informative, factual, but also sometimes emotional”

In 1997, the then 49-year-old commented on the ESC for the first time. Over the years, his deep voice has become his trademark. Peter Urban commented on the singing competition with a mixture of calm, wit, expertise and subtle irony. He himself once described his comments as follows: “Informative, factual, but also sometimes emotional and in any case a lot of loud or quiet irony.”

For example, he commented on the performance of the Finnish hard rockers Lordi, who won the ESC in 2006, with the following words: “Today is Saturday, TV day, dear parents, small children and delicate souls, it might be better to close your eyes for the next three minutes or leave the room, because here comes Lordi, the horror shocker from Lapland.”

The decision to no longer comment on the ESC came from himself, he told the German Press Agency. “Let others do that now.” It is not yet clear who will succeed him.

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