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Espanyol appeals the closure of its field for two games

Espanyol appeals the closure of its field for two games

The Spanish has issued a statement this Thursday in which it announces that it will resort to the decision of the Competition Committee to close its field for two matches due to the invasion of fans at the end of the match between the parakeet team and Barcelona in which it was proclaimed champion of League. “RCD Espanyol wants to show its total disagreement with, in our opinion, disproportionate and unfair penalty imposed by the Competition Committee on the club which would mean the closure of the Stage Front Stadium for two games,” the statement said.

The Spanish club understands that it did everything possible to prevent the invasion of fans at the end of the match. “RCD Espanyol had all the necessary means and measures for a meeting like the one held last May, collaborating from minute one in everything required by the authorities and with the security forces themselves,” he continues in his letter.

The Barcelona players celebrate the title on the grass.EFE

The club considers a disproportionate sanction and announces that it will exhaust all legal remedies before it: “We understand, however, that here a disproportionate and inconsistent criterion is applied with other cases that affect the entire club and season ticket holders in all sectors of the Stadium. A sanction that we consider disproportionate by the Competition Committee, applying in our opinion an exemplary aggravating circumstance that lacks legal grounds or tangible support beyond biased value judgments. Therefore, in defense of our legitimate interests and those of our fans, we will exhaust all avenues of appeal and protection at our disposal.”

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