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Espert praised Redrado, criticized dollarization and ate ‘folders’ from libertarians

The right and the national ultra-right are locked in an all-or-nothing battle over extreme positions.

The note of the night was given by José Luis Espert. The liberal economist with an aggressive verbiage and that is why he had a foothold in adolescents, now showed himself to be slightly moderate on TN, the Clarín channel.

In addition to saying that “dynamiting the Central Bank is to blow up the Constitution”, in clear opposition to the ideas of his delusional ex-colleague Javier Milei, the economist said that it is not necessary to dollarize.

Curious, since during the Kirchner governments he spent all his time beating the arugula patch as a solution to all problems.

In fact, on social networks, ultra-right sectors remind him of it and treat him as a traitor:

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