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Esteban Pavez sets a deadline to see the best version of Colo Colo with all his reinforcements

The captain of the Cacique valued the level displayed in the agonizing victory over Ñublense. He highlighted the importance of the days they won so that the new ones could adapt to the idea of ​​Gustavo Quinteros, although he warned that they still need to show their best side of the team.

© Guillermo SalazarEsteban Pavez was one of the most outstanding of Colo Colo.

Good spirits reigned in the Monumental Stadium. And it is that beyond the triumph of Colo Colo against a tough rival like Ñublense, in the squad they managed to shake off in the best way the defeat suffered against O’Higgins, since the team managed to recover part of the stamp that Gustavo Quinteros wants to impose and which gave him success last year.

The players made the most of the two weeks they had to work and this was appreciated by Esteban Pavez. “We knew that we had to start off on the right foot at home. We have not had a beginning of the year as we wanted, We lost the Super Cup, we lost ugly with O’Higgins. But we are very confident, we knew that these two weeks that we had due to the suspended games were going to help us a lot and that was the case. We are happy to win and it was in good shape, ”he began.

The captain’s deadlines

Although the team showed part of its game identity, for the midfielder they have not yet reached their best version, especially since there is a lack of greater knowledge among the players after having greatly renovated the squad. In this sense, he recognized that they are still adapting, but he set a deadline to fully capture the idea of ​​Gustavo Quinteros.

We have discussed it and in a month from now the team will work like the teacher and we want. It is not easy to meet nine new players from one day to the next, It suddenly costs me a bit in the morning when I arrive and see a new campus, I look to the sides and it’s a bit hard to assume, but that’s it. These two weeks served a lot to get to know each other better, In a month from now we will function in good shape because quality reinforcements have arrivedhe elaborated.

But he also highlighted how they managed to turn the page after a hesitant start to the year. “The defeat with O’Higgins was quite hard, I think the ugliest since I’ve been in Colo Colo. We know that these are things that football has, better that it happens at the beginning than later. Today we returned to the humility that the team has to run, score, to play equally with whoever. We were confident that we could win because we had good weeks of preparation, talking a lot in groups and that helped ”, she added.

Finally, he praised the entry of Darío Lezcano, who had a dream premiere with the Cacique shirt by scoring the agonizing goal of the win. “I faced him in Mexico, he is a great player and goalscorer. Today he showed it in Mexico he had one or two and converted them all, so I’m happy for him and the reinforcements that arrived. Little by little, everyone will reach their best level ”, he closed.

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