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Ethel Pozo assures that she is not aware of Melissa Paredes: “I have never seen her, now less”

Ethel Pozo says that she is not aware of the Melissa Paredes program.

Ethel Well returns this Monday, January 30 to the conduction ofamerica todaybeside Janet Barboza, Brunella Horna, Edson Dávila and Christian Domínguez. Given this, the driver pointed out that she is quite excited, especially after the terrible moment that she went through when she was a victim of robbery in her house. The cheerleader and daughter of Gisela Valcárcel He assured that he is calmer, however, he regretted that this was the cause of not being with his mother this January 26, for his birthday.

As you remember, among many expensive objects, the criminals stole his visa, so he could not travel with Gisela Valcárcel to be part of an important meeting in the United States, in addition to celebrating the 60th anniversary of her mother in that place. “It’s unfortunate, I’m sorry not to be with her right now, we had planned it so much, but I must thank that we are safe and sound,” he said. Ethel Well, who stressed that the experienced driver is always in his heart.

in conversation with infobaethe wife of Julian Alexander referred to his return to the screens, the competition with Melissa Paredesthe great friendship he has with Brunella Horna and even dared to comment on Renato Tapiathe protagonist of the recent unveiling of Magaly Medina.

Ethel, you’re coming back to the show after a terrible situation, how are you feeling and what steps are you taking?

I am very happy to return. I think that we are already very used to seeing each other every day, going on the air and commenting on everything that happens at the national level. I consider that it is time to return, they have also told us on networks. In addition to being a job, we respect it a lot. About the robbery, I am already a little calmer. I have taken my vitamin because I do feel a kind of grief, sadness and anxiety. I hadn’t experienced it before, but every day better. I’m sure it’s going to happen.

Do you feel emotionally damaged?

Yes, of course, it is an emotional damage for me, for my youngest daughter who is also scared. For everyone, it is arriving at your home and feeling that your safe place has been violated, imagining the people (who have been there), it is strong, but I am not the only one, there are worse cases. I thank God for not having passed them, there are cases where people are at home and they put you to sleep, things that I don’t even want to imagine. But well, we are here, they have not hurt us and the material is recovered.

The program returns with Brunella Horna, a lot was played with the possible return of Melissa Paredes, was this option ever considered?

I am super happy, the truth is that I never saw another person come in to replace her, she earned her place from the first month. There are 5 of us, but the proposal was always 3 women of different ages, I think that Brunella contributes other things because of her age, she is very particular, she has a quite defined personality. I always hoped that she would continue. I rather thought that she was going to enter another person, but from the boys.

Full cast of ‘América Hoy’ by 2023. América TV

You’ve gotten to really get along with Brunella, haven’t you? Could it be said that they are great friends?

Yes, the word friend has already been distorted as a result of what happened with Melissa (Paredes), but yes, with Brunella we have known each other well. Richard (Acuña) and Julián (Alexander) get along very well, they have been joking with the promotion of Magaly Medina (the ampay of the ‘Chorri’ palaces). They said, ‘it’s you, it’s you’. We have many things in common, she is 25 years old, she is very mature. She matches with me because we are married, her husband has children, me too. We have all met.

In Melissa Paredes’ ampay you were disappointed. Now, do you trust the friendship you have with Brunella Horna?

I keep trusting. One person does not make the world, I am still the same. Also, I want to remember that I cried for everything I felt. There are things that will connect me with emotion, when there is a story of a father, when they pay tribute to him or someone talks about his father, I connect because it is a lack that I had. I also connect when a home is destroyed, it is a family that I was with and that was destroyed because of an ampay, that is what made me very sad.

‘América Hoy’ is going to compete with ‘Arriba Mi Gente’ and ‘Préndete’, a program by Melissa Paredes…

We always work on our axis, in our group. We have never paid attention to the competition, you waste energy, it’s like taking an exam and while you see what the other is doing, you waste time to do yours.

Maju Mantilla went from América TV to Latina…

She is a beautiful person, I wish her all the luck in the world. I have competed at some point with Thais Casalino (Women in Command) and nothing, the program ends and that’s it, we’re still the same. Our challenge is to reinvent ourselves.

Ethel Pozo returns to TV with América Hoy.

Have you come to see the driving of Melissa Paredes in ‘Light it up’ and the time she criticized your dress?

I’ve never seen it, I don’t know about it and even less so now that I no longer have televisions after the robbery.

Your wedding has been compared a lot with Brunella Horna, assuring that it left you a girl, how do you take it?

I think people forget that my ceremony was intimate, small, I always said it would be like that, my ceremony was beautiful, the people I wanted were there, out of 200 people there were only 13 artists, from which only a little content has come out, which It is not all that has happened. It’s how you want to sell, but it has no point of comparison, we knew that Brunella’s wedding was going to be a night party, it was beautiful, and it was nice to accompany Brunella.

Magaly Medina also returned with her program and did so with a complaint against Renato Tapia, what can you say about it?

I feel very sorry for the child. Just as good parents move me, I deplore this type of action, especially for what affects the children, growing up and knowing the origin, who did not want to recognize you. I feel sorry for the wife, as Janet (Barboza) said, they are clay idols. It’s unfortunate, I hope she makes up for all the time she has taken from her son, because it’s not just money, it’s time. I always say, life is like a restaurant, no one leaves without paying the bill

This type of subject makes you very sensitive, doesn’t it?

I have grown up with only 50% percent, which is the mother’s side. The other 50% corresponds to the father, whether he is there or not, there is no way that we as mothers can make that percentage (100%). It is a great void, and of course it affects. Then you have to follow therapy, well, it’s what one had in life. That is why it is unfortunate that they create a beautiful home, and that, on the other hand, they deny a child affection, love and rights.

Ethel Pozo repudiates Renato Tapia’s attitude.
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