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European Parliament debates Maduro’s persecution against the opposition

European Parliament debates Maduro's persecution against the opposition

MIAMI.- MEP Gabriel Mato expressed his great concern about the persecution that the Venezuelan regime began against opponents in Venezuela in an intervention in the European Parliament.

In the plenary session of the European Parliament, the MEP for the Liberal Party Gabriel Mato Adrover spoke about the situation of harassment and political persecution of the dictator Nicolás Maduro of the opposition in Venezuela.

Parliamentarian Mato expressed during his speech that the Venezuelan regime has not lifted the disqualifications, nor has it stopped “stopping harassing opponents (…) nor has it stopped allowing free elections that it knows it will lose,” he highlighted.

Mato assured that Maduro is “panicked” about the opposition leader and presidential candidate María Corina Machado, “he is afraid of what she represents,” he stated.

The European Union must stop “good words”

He also urged the European Union to take action on what is happening in Venezuela, “it is time for the European Union to leave the good words behind, in the face of reality it cannot be contemplated to end, or even limit the sanctions while tyranny continues to oppress Venezuela, we must continue pursuing Maduro and his henchmen like the criminals they are, Venezuelans are willing to risk everything for freedom and democracy, and our obligation is to help them in their fight,” the parliamentarian said.

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Last week, the Popular Party (PP) asked the High Representative for Foreign Action, Josep Borrell, that the European Union condemn the arrest order for collaborators of opponents of Nicolás Maduro’s regime.

The request was made through a letter, which was also addressed to the vice president of the European Commission.

“We ask the European Commission to extend the sanctions on the Maduro regime, given the evident lack of will in favor of freedom and democracy (…) Europe cannot look the other way when freedom is threatened in Venezuela. The defense of freedom obliges us democrats to defend it where it is threatened, and in Venezuela it is happening,” the letter quotes.


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