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Evacuation of French people from Sudan: “Our objective is to be as fast as possible”, assures the spokesperson for the Quai d’Orsay

Not all of the 250 French people present in Sudan are ready to leave the country, however, due to family ties there, for example, explains Anne-Claire Legendre.

“Our goal is to be as fast as possible” in the evacuation of diplomatic personnel and French nationals in Sudan, assures Sunday April 23 on franceinfo Anne-Claire Legendre, spokesperson for the Quai d’Orsay. France began this operation in the country, in the face of violent clashes between the Sudanese army and the paramilitaries of the Rapid Support Forces (FSR) since April 15. For their part, thehe United States announced that it had evacuated its diplomatic personnel from its embassy in Khartoum on Saturday.

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The French community in Sudan counts “250 people”according to Anne-Claire Legendre, “but not all nationals wish to leave the country”, she explains, because of family ties on the spot, for example. France will maintain contact with them via their “crisis center”assures the spokesperson of the Quai d’Orsay.

The operation aims to “close the embassy” (from France), says Anne-Claire Legendre, what she hopes to see “in the hours to come”. It will make it possible to evacuate more widely “European diplomatic staff and certain nationals of Member States”. France can rely on its armed forces deployed in the region, including in Djibouti, she explains, recalling that France calls for an end to the fighting.

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