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Evaluation Committee interview with INE candidates

Claudia Salazar / Reform Agency

Friday, March 17, 2023 | 20:10

Mexico City.- In the Chamber of Deputies, the interviews began with the applicants to be part of the General Council of the National Electoral Institute (INE), with questions formulated by the members of the Technical Evaluation Committee.

92 candidates will be interviewed, half women and half men. The four quintets will come out of them to propose the appointment of four directors for the INE, who will begin their functions in April, for a period of 9 years.

The first to appear was Guadalupe Álvarez Rascón, a teacher in administration and public policy from CIDE, and she achieved a score of 62 correct answers in the knowledge exam, applied last week with 80 questions.

The interviews are not public, they are recorded and will be released when this evaluation stage is over.

Armando Hernández Cruz, Palmira Tapia Palacios, Pedro Rafael Constantito Echeverría, Carolina del Ángel Cruz, Víctor Capilla Mora, María del Carmen Carreón Castro, Jesús René Quiñones Ceballos and Diana Talavera Flores will also take their exam on this day.

Previously, members of the Technical Evaluation Committee met to publicize the methodology of the interview stage.

Maité Azuela said that it is the “most exciting” stage of the process.

He informed that the objective of the questions is to obtain additional elements of judgment, such as the suitability of the profile, values, professional ethics, public service vocation and vision of the challenges of Mexican democracy and electoral institutions.

The interviews last a maximum of half an hour, he said.

The candidates have up to five minutes to make an initial presentation where they indicate the reasons for aspiring to be electoral advisers.

Each applicant is asked four questions by four different members of the Technical Evaluation Committee, based on the Curriculum Vitae, the explanatory statement or the essay that they presented in their registration, he specified.

In addition, a fifth question proposed by the citizens will be asked, which will be asked by the commissioner or commissioner who is currently moderating the interview.

Each member of the Committee will have an evaluation card for each question, which will be filled out at the end of the interview, with the topics to be evaluated: challenges facing the INE, democratic values ​​and principles, principles of equity and inclusion, skills, aptitudes and vocation of service.

The qualification will be the simple average of the evaluation cards.

The interviews conclude on Wednesday and on March 24 the names of those who achieved the best qualification will be announced.

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