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Evangelion: Rei Ayanami is once again a farmer in this spectacular cosplay of a Chilean streamer

Rei Ayanamithe First Children chosen by the Marduk Institute and designated as the pilot of Evangelion Unit 00, is one of the most acclaimed characters in Neon Genesis Evangelionthe anime created by the Gainax studio, animated by Tatsunoko Production and directed by Hideaki Anno.

As fans of this program well remember, Evangelion’s story takes place in a futuristic world, in which NERV, a paramilitary organization, protects humanity from attacks by beings of unknown origin and nature called Angels. NERV uses humanoid bio-mecha called Evangelion or EVA for their defense.

As the episodes progress, its plot becomes more confusing and psychological, with unstable personalities among the characters. One of them is Reiwhom we recently saw as a farmer in the fourth and final Rebuild of Evangelion movie and who reappears in this role in a spectacular cosplay of a Chilean streamer.

Rei is a farmer again in this spectacular cosplay

As he recalls a report published on the website of Spaghetti Code, Rebuild of Evangelion presented the protagonists in a more humanized environment. In the case of Rei Ayanami, in the first part of the tape she was shown as a prominent farmer, although she kept her black plugsuit, but with a straw hat.

The Chilean streamer Mokomaru Cosplayalso known on the Internet and social media as teach me and with more than 34 thousand followers on Instagram, she made this striking Rei cosplay.

Pictures in honor of the premiere of the latest Evangelion movie”, shared the content creator, who proved to be a big fan of Evangelion. As we can see in the images, the cosplayer recreated Rei’s original black costume and added the farmer hat. It’s a 10.

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