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Even at 10, Marseille does the job – Debrief and NOTES from the players (OM 2-0 Hyères)

Quickly outnumbered following the expulsion of Eric Bailly, Olympique de Marseille got the better of Hyres (2-0) this Saturday in the 32nd round of the Coupe de France. Despite some hot situations in the second period, the National 2 club did not create the feat.

Eric Bailly was sent off at the start of the match.

At 10, the Marseillais were serious. Yet penalized by the rapid expulsion of Eric Bailly, Olympique de Marseille dominated Hyres (2-0) this Saturday on behalf of the 32nd finals of the Coupe de France.

In numerical inferiority, the troops of Igor Tudor, led by a good Matto Guendouzi, managed to make the difference on a penalty from Alexis Sanchez and a goal from Bamba Dieng.

Bailly’s attack, Sanchez’s panenka!

In a beautiful Martigues atmosphere with a kick-off incidentally delayed by a few minutes due to the smoke from the smoke, the Marseillais immediately showed themselves to be dangerous with a deflection from Guendouzi which brushed past Jan’s post. Despite controlling the ball in favor of the Phocens, the resident of National 2 responded aggressively while Dieng wasted a great opportunity by slipping in front of the goalkeeper…

After another hot situation in the Var area, Bailly made a gross mistake with a very high foot, at chest level, on N’Diaye and was logically sent off! Leaving on a stretcher, the Hyrois could not resume and took the direction of the hospital… Even in numerical inferiority, OM remained dangerous with a free kick from Veretout on the bar! Over the minutes, Hyres still gained in confidence with a shot that was too crossed from Zerfaoui. But just before the break, nder, on a long ball from Guendouzi, obtained a logical penalty for a fault by Agueni. With a panenka, Sanchez transformed his attempt without shaking (1-0, 45 + 1e).

OM were hot, Dieng rewarded

Back from the locker room, Karim Masmoudi’s men came back with good intentions and a strike from Barty, just off the post, sent Blanco into a cold sweat. On a good movement from the opposition, Gueye was even forced to make a huge comeback on Assef in his own area… In the crowd, OM had the opportunity to make the break, but Dieng did not aim his shot in front of Jan. In response, Hyres was just as dangerous with a shot from Sahnoune on Blanco’s post!

From the hour of play, the amateurs began to seriously stick out their tongues and had difficulty inflaming the debates. And finally, on a long ball from Guendouzi, Dieng pulled away and sheltered his team from a cross shot (2-0, 70th). A few seconds later, Lemb had a great opportunity to revive the suspense, but his attempt did not fit after a dribble against Blanco… After two last missed chances by nder and Ben Seghir, Hyres left this competition when OM validated his ticket for the 16th.

The score of the match: 6/10

The scenario of this part made it possible to attend a lively match. After a start to the advantage of Olympique de Marseille with some hot situations, the meeting took a turn with the expulsion of Bailly, author of a dangerous gesture. At 10 against 11, the debates were more open. And with the opener of the Olympian score before the break, we had the right to a second act with chances.

The goals :

– On a long ball from Guendouzi, nder goes behind the defense. In the area, the Turk takes advantage of contact with Agueni to obtain a penalty. With a panenka in the middle, Sanchez opened the scoring (1-0, 45+1e).

– After a breakthrough from Guendouzi following an excellent recovery from Mbemba, the Frenchman made a deep pass for Dieng. In the duel with Sahnoune, the Senegalese pulls away and drops his opponent to adjust Jan with a cross shot (2-0, 70th).


Maxifoot awarded a mark (out of 10) for each OM player.

Man of the match: Matto Guendouzi (7.5/10)

Captain in the absence of Payet, mnag, and used in midfield, the Olympique de Marseille midfielder held his rank perfectly. From the first minutes, the French international was dangerous with a deflection which grazed Jan’s post. Like Veretout, he was really serious after Bailly’s rouge to allow his team to manage the debates. At the origin of the best movements of his people, Phocen was the author of a magnificent opening in depth to allow nder to obtain the penalty converted by Sanchez. As a boss, he even launched Dieng on his team’s second goal.


Rubn Blanco (5): chosen to keep the Olympian cage in this Coupe de France match, the Olympique de Marseille goalkeeper did not have much to do. Even in numerical inferiority, the Marseille club was in little danger and the Spaniard simply had easy interventions to carry out. On his rare negotiating balls, he was serious. Note that he was seconded by his post on a long shot from Sahnoune then by the clumsiness of Lemb.

Leonardo Balerdi (5): quickly warned of a yellow card, the central defender of Olympique de Marseille had a decent match. And yet, in the first minutes, the Argentinian did not show great serenity in his interventions. But over the minutes, the former Borussia Dortmund player still showed a more serious face in the duels, especially in his depth coverage.

Eric Bailly (1): in the axis of the defense three of Olympique de Marseille, the central defender quickly left the field. On a rather innocuous counter by Hyres, the Ivorian made a gross mistake with a very high foot, at chest level, on N’Diaye. Logically expelled, the player loaned by Manchester United can expect a long suspension.

Pape Gueye (7): positioned in central defense for this meeting, the usual midfielder justified the choice of his coach Igor Tudor. In confidence, the Senegalese international was particularly authoritarian in the duels. And above all, with his technical qualities, the ex-Le Havre was interesting in his transmissions to shift his partners. In the second half, we really liked his superb tackle in his own area to save a situation in front of Assef.

Issa Kabore (not rated): starting on the right side in the absence of Rongier, injured, the piston of Olympique de Marseille did not start at the start of the match, with some interesting climbs. But because of Bailly’s expulsion, he was replaced in the 20th minute by Chancel Mbemba (6). Used as a side on the right side, the Congolese had fun. Always serious on the defensive plan, the Marseillais did not hesitate to project himself to participate in the offensives of his team, without however creating a great danger. On OM’s second goal, he was behind the action with this good recovery for Guendouzi.

Jordan Veretout (6.5): a serious copy for the midfielder of Olympique de Marseille. Accurate from set pieces, the French international created a first chance for Guendouzi, whose deflection grazed the post. Subsequently, the former Nantes player was reassuring in the midfield in order to maintain control of the ball despite the expulsion of Bailly. And on a free kick, he was dangerous with a strike on the bar!

Matto Guendouzi (7.5): read the comment above.

Sead Kolasinac (6): a positive performance for the left piston of Olympique de Marseille. Serious defensively and generally in little danger, the Bosnian, confident at the moment, has often taken his lane. Aggressively, he made an interesting contribution for the reigning French vice-champion to create danger.

Cengiz nder (5.5): a correct performance for the attacking midfielder of Olympique de Marseille. Without being bad, the Turkish international has long had little influence on the debates with difficulties combining with his partners. But on a long ball from Guendouzi, he still got a penalty, for a foul from Agueni, to allow Sanchez to open the scoring. And after the break, the Marseillais was the author of a good pass on the opportunity missed by Dieng. At the end of the game, however, he has a great opportunity to score. Replace the 85th minute with Bartug Elmaz (not not).

Alexis Snchez (5): positioned a notch lower in support of Dieng, the Olympique de Marseille striker had the merit of being decisive. Because in the game, the Chilean did not burst the screen with an overall limited impact and some badly negotiated situations. On penalty, he therefore launched the phocen club with a panenka to transform his attempt. Replace the 59th minute with Valentin Rongier (not not).

Bamba Dieng (6): titularis for this Coupe de France match, the center-forward of Olympique de Marseille alternated the good and the less good. Thanks to his races, the Senegalese has proposed numerous solutions to his partners. But not always served, he failed on his rare individual attempts, like a slip in front of Jan in the first period. Returning from the locker room, Phocen had a great opportunity, but did not aim their shot in front of Jan… However, they were finally rewarded with this goal on a cross shot. A deserved achievement in relation to his efforts. Author of a good pass on the opportunity of nder, he was replaced in the crowd in the 85th minute by Salim Ben Seghir (not not).

+ Find the results and the classification of the Coupe de France on Maxifoot

And for you, who were the best and worst players of the match? React in the zone of “comments” below !

The atmosphere was warm Martigues

Bailly’s dangerous gesture, logically expuls

From the penalty spot, Sanchez opened the scoring with a panenka (1-0, 45+1e)

Dieng doubled the lead (2-0, 70th)

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