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"Every day the two of them come to me in my dreams, it’s an ordeal"

Saturday December 31, 2022 | 2:30 p.m.

“It is something that you honestly remember every day, you wake up with this idea that they are no longer there and that you were there in front of you and you could not do anything. On top of that, the man does not appear and it is worse. The memory is everyday, more on these special dates it’s worse, because you remember that a year ago they were here”.

The speaker is Rafael Alejandro Elisalde (22), a young man who witnessed what was the most serious police event of the year in Misiones: the double femicide of Débora Elizalde (23) and Gabriela Agüero (39) in the town of San Antonio. It happened on February 21 and until now the murderer, Sergio Kozak (33), is still on the run.

An international arrest warrant weighs on Kozak and the Misiones Government Ministry launched a reward of one million pesos for those who provide information on his whereabouts.

There are many versions of where it is and the main question is how it has remained financially in the shadows for so long.

Judicial and police investigators repeat that sooner or later it will fall, although that does not leave the family members alone, who feel abandoned and consider that nothing is being done to find the femicide. They even consider that she still moves through the town with total impunity.

According to the relatives, the first Christmas without Débora and Gabriela was very sad and tears flowed. And they think that tonight, New Year’s, will be the same.

In this context, El Territorio spoke with Rafael, Débora’s brother and Gabriela’s son, who is the main witness in the case because he witnessed the double crime and even got into a struggle with the murderer before he escaped to do not come back.

“We feel abandoned, a year ago that happened and no news. This date arrives and you don’t know what to do, you think that they could be here and they are not for that guy. You ask and they don’t know, they throw the ball, honestly we We feel abandoned. They stopped looking, there are no indications,” the young man claimed.

According to Rafael, they receive information all the time about the possible whereabouts of the fugitive, but when they transfer this to the Misiones Police, the answer is “no, I can’t go”, “we don’t have a way to go”. They did their own research and believe that he should not be far away.

“There are people who tell you that the guy drives around town at night in a car, that he did something to his face so they don’t recognize him, but whoever knows him knows it’s him. The same family makes very strangers to the neighborhood, but we believe that if we say ‘come look for him, he’s here’, they won’t come. We believe that they don’t care what happened,” he stated with resignation.

And along these lines, he expanded: “It makes you want to give up, you don’t have how to get there and talk to a boss because he’s going to throw the ball the other way and he already pisses you off and makes you want to do justice with your own hands, Do you understand me? We can arrive and corner one or the other, but that is a witch hunt, which is better not to do.”

Asked about how the defendant remains in hiding, he pointed out that “it shouldn’t be cheap at all, but I tell you that his telecentre continues to work, it is a relative of his who took command, there are doubts that yes and that no. But it can’t be that a guy is supposedly so wanted and doesn’t show up.”

As expected, an event of these characteristics modified all future projects in the family. Rafael has a twin brother named Esteban and a sister who is soon to be 2 years old, Zoe Bianca. “We had plans that are impossible without them,” he lamented.

“The baby is still with my grandmother, we are raising her, unfortunately she is without her mother, but as we learn to live, she is also going to have to learn. That is a little easier for her, but she leaves us Very sad that she has to grow up without the mother that we had. And even more so if we have to tell her ‘a guy killed your mother but we couldn’t look for him,’ “he explained about the minor.

“For example, Christmas night was very bad for the whole family, both for my uncles and my grandparents. It is no longer the Christmas it was before without them, more like that,” he recalled again.

Rafael feels the same way, but he must also carry a painfully particular burden for being the protagonist of the tragedy that befell him as a family.

It is a burden that she cannot escape, with which she lives: “Every day you have to remember, you dream, the two of them come between sleep. It is an ordeal, really.”

A dinner, a dance and the fact filmed

The attack occurred in the heart of the Nueva Esperanza neighborhood of San Antonio, minutes before four in the morning on Monday, February 21, in front of the victims’ house.

The night before, the two women, Rafael and the femicide had gone to dinner and after that they decided to go to the bailanta on National Route 101, in Gramado.

Rafael recounted that at a certain point Kozak left the group and began to dance with other women who had attended there. That motivated Débora’s anger and a fight in the place.

The dancer’s caretaker, Héctor Olivera, told El Territorio that after 2 in the morning the man came out behind the women and began to attack them, for which the Police intervened and threw him out.

After that, Débora went to a friend’s house, so when the femicide returned to the bowling alley – it is believed that he had gone to look for the weapon – she was no longer there.

Near the end of the night, mother and son searched for Débora and all went home together with a driver known to the victims. The killer followed them.

Débora, Gabriela and Rafael got out of the car and crossed the street, while Kozak followed the sequence from his truck, which arrived at the same time as the car in which the victims were traveling and stopped behind.

Thus, once they reached the sidewalk, the Fiat Toro advanced, with which it first tried to run them over, but finally drew a 38-caliber revolver and from the passenger compartment executed them at close range.

The images from the security cameras show how the man fired without getting off and at point blank range.

When he saw what happened, Rafael said that he hit the structure of the truck and got into the passenger compartment through the passenger door, which matches the video and the marks on the seat.

It was in that instance that he took the gun from the murderer, who ended up fleeing the scene and his truck was found hours later on his property.

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