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Everyone cares about their money, but beware of this message: many may fall for it

Everyone cares about their

Today, thanks to the telephone, it is possible to manage many daily activities. From the possibility of ordering pizza at home to managing your money. However, for those who do not have adequate knowledge of the technological world, pitfalls similar to this example could be hidden.

From extraordinary tool to possible danger. The switch may not be that difficult for a smartphone. The risk is especially for those who are aware of the dangers that may lie behind scams that are disguised as official communications.

Everyone cares about their money, but beware of scams

An example comes from the message that some people are receiving these days. It’s about a text message that arrives without a number, but with the name of a bank in the sender. An aspect that makes the hypothesis that it is a message really coming from a banking institution more credible.

The text aims to alarm the people who receive it. Leveraging the fact that everyone cares about their savings and their money, suggests that someone may have accessed your bank details. It does so by highlighting the possibility that someone connected to the banking app from outside Italy.

Attention to this

What is written in this message

“ATTENTION!” is the first word, written in capital letters only. From this we note the emphasis with which the aim is to cause alarm. And then we inform you that your bank’s app would be active on a new device and that, if the account holder were not operating in the indicated area, the new device would have to be blocked. How? Clicking on a link, but you don’t have to.

People who panic tend to click. Instead, we must keep calm and adopt the right behavior. The first thing is to analyze the nature of the message. In many cases, the bank indicated is different from the one of which you are a real customer. That alone should make you suspicious.


The other thing to do is If necessary, contact your bank immediately. There may be a toll-free number or other official and reliable communication channels. The operators of the banking institution will inform on the possible reliability of the message. From them you will have the right indications on the correct modus operandi.

What is the risk

By clicking on the link of a “scam” text message, you risk accessing sites that may request information. Anyone who thinks it’s a reliable site would end up giving it to them.

This data could end up available to malicious parties. You must not, therefore, click, but always doubt and contact your bank. And on this point it may be useful to raise awareness especially for those who are not very familiar with technology.

The correct modus operandi

So everyone cares about their money, but it would be advisable not to panic when receiving certain messages. It is enough to have a little calm and follow the road that leads to certain and reliable solutions.

Also because technology remains a resource of modernity. Today, for example, it would be difficult to think of doing without WhatsApp or social networks.

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