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"everything is love and affection": The video of CSD Colo Colo in the preview of the Super Cup

The Colo Colo Social and Sports Club published a video on its social networks throbbing what will be the duel between Cacique and Magallanes, a match with history that was reflected with testimonials from fans of both squads.

Video: CSD Colo Colo slaps the duel against Magallanes for the Super Cup

This day, Colo Colo will experience a new final and it will be against a rival with whom they have a great history, such as Magallanes. The Albos are already concentrated waiting for the commitment that will take place in Viña del Mar.

In the preview of this duel, which will face the champion of the 2022 National Tournament of the First Division and the champion of the Copa Chile, who will define the Super Champion of national soccer, andhe CSD Colo Colo published a video about the testimony of Patricio Moya, a fan of Magallanes, and Ricardo Reyes, a partner of the Cacique.

On the occasion, Patricio indicated that the match between the Eternal Champion and The Academy “It is a beautiful duel because there is no rivalry. The people of Colo Colo love us and so do weIt is a mutual affection that we have between both institutions.” To this, Ricardo added that when both squads faced each other “It was very familiar when the great classic was played in a full stadium, there were no incidents”.

The fan of the Carabelero group remarked that “there is no rivalry of fighting, here everything is love, all affectionas they say, between the two institutions”, while whoever is a member of Popular hopes that it will be “a fair match, the two teams play football. The essential thing is that it be a fair match and that the best team win.“.

The Pedrero and Magallanes team will face each other at 7:00 p.m. at the Sausalito stadium in Viña del Mar, where the Eternal Champion will seek the fourth Super Cup in its history.

The video of CSD Colo Colo in the preview of the Super Cup

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