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Everything ready for the sentence of the only defendant in the death of Vanessa Guillen to be known

Everything ready for the sentence of the only defendant in the death of Vanessa Guillen to be known

HOUSTON – This Monday, August 14, the sentence will be announced against Cecily Aguilar, the only person under arrest for the death of the Hispanic soldier Vanessa Guillen, which occurred at the Fort Hood (Texas) military base on April 22, 2020.

Aguilar will receive the sentence in a federal court in the town of wacoin central Texas.

The woman pleaded guilty in November of last year to four charges related to helping to dismember Guillen’s body and then burying it in an area near the Leon River.

Aguilar helped her boyfriend, specialist soldier Aaron Robinson, dismember Guillen’s corpse after he took his life at the military base, now known as Fort Cavazos.

the body of Vanessa Guillén he was brutally beaten with a hammer until he died.

Aerial images show the island of Maui before and after the tragedy.

Robinson shot himself when Kileen (Texas) police officers confronted him a couple of days after Guillen’s body was found near the aforementioned river.

According to the investigation that was followed in Guillen’s case, she was sexually harassed, a situation that was never reported to her superiors in the chain of command.

Aguilar faces a maximum sentence of 30 years in federal prison and a fine of up to $1 million.

The hearing scheduled for this Monday had been postponed in April to allow a psychiatrist to give his testimony in the case at the request of Aguilar’s defense.

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