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Everything you need to know about the 2023 profit sharing, when and how do you receive it?

Spring has arrived and it’s time to square up before the SAT —with the annual declaration—, although here we bring you good news: the payment of utilities 2023 is coming.

There is little left for the companies or the bosses to give the workers part of the profits of toooodo what was done during the year, after presenting the tax return, and well, in this text we are going to tell you everything you need to know about the payment of utilities 2023. When does it fall? And, what to do if they do not receive it on time?

Foto: FOX.

Everything you need to know about profit sharing 2023

For starters, the profit sharing is a right of workers. It is in the Federal Labor Law (LFT), which indicates as mandatory for companies and employers to distribute, among the personnel, the profits they generated during a year.

Photo: Crisanta Aguilar-Cuartoscuro.

(Although there are a couple of exceptions in the distribution of profits, but later we will tell you what they are).

When should the profit sharing for this year 2023 be received?

Check: profit sharing is annual. Each year must fall between April and the last business day of May.

This is in the case of workers and workers who work for a company.

Photo: Crisanta Aguilar-Cuartoscuro.

That is, here the companies (moral persons) have the obligation to make the distribution of profits from April until the last business day of May.

In the case of those who work for an employer —Individuals with business activities or individuals with tax incorporation regime— must receive payment between May and the last business day of June.

Who receives it?

In theory, everyone. The entire labor force, from companies and employers, who have worked for at least 60 days.

Photo: Crisanta Aguilar-Cuartoscuro.

Except: directors, administrators, general managers, partners, shareholders, professional service providers —those people who provide their services without having a subordinate employment relationship with the employer— or personnel who have worked less than 60 days.

What companies are exempt?

Something important to consider is that if the net profits of a company were not 300 thousand pesos or morethen it is exempt from making the distribution.

The same goes for the start-up companiesduring its first year of operation.

(Be careful, the trick of companies that merge, transfer or change their name does not enter here. Those are not considered as newly created).

Photo: Moisés Pablo-Cuartoscuro.

The IMSS and decentralized public institutions with cultural or charitable purposes or private non-profit institutions are not obliged to distribute profits either.

The rest of the companies that offer goods and services and tooooodas individuals or legal entities that have a staff of workers at their service —and whose net profits were $300,000 pesos or more— they must make the distribution of profits in this 2023.

How is the distribution made?

Companies must distribute 10% of their net profits among the staff in two equal parts: in relation to the hours worked and the day-to-day salary of each worker.

Photo: Crisanta Aguilar-Cuartoscuro.

And abused here, the days that are still considered working days —by law, individual, collective or internal contract— are: vacations, holidays, incapacities due to work risk, prenatal and postnatal periods and paid leave.

(In case a worker did not work in the company during the whole year, they will still pay you a proportional part of the profits).

Do I have to pay taxes?

For the payment of utilities? Just in case the money exceeds the equivalent of 15 days of minimum wage.

Where do you report if you are not paid the utilities of 2023?

If the company or employer does not comply with the distribution of profits —they pay you incompletely or you never see it arrive—, you can go to the Labor Defense Attorney.

Foto: @STPS_mx

In addition to the fact that you have one year, from the day after this obligation is generated for the employer, to claim your payment.

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