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Eviction of Lützerath: Lützerath: Luisa Neubauer is carried away by the police

Environmental activist Luisa Neubauer was carried away by police officers. She and other activists had blocked the access road to Lützerath.

climate activist Luisa Neubauer was carried away by police officers from the access road to the brown coal town of Lützerath. Neubauer met around 100 activists there on Thursday sit-in arrived. The participants were surrounded by the police and gradually carried away or taken away. Finally, three officers also carried Fridays for Future activist Neubauer away with the help of their multi-purpose sticks.

“We want to stay here until we are carried away,” Neubauer had previously told the German Press Agency. A police spokesman said the participants were on their way to the open pit demolition edge. This was dangerous and had to be prevented by the police.

Demonstration train with several hundred people in the direction of Lützerath

According to Neubauer, the police occasionally used pepper spray against activists. The spokesman said he could neither confirm nor rule it out. A total of several hundred people took part in a demonstration from the village of Keyenberg in the direction of Lützerath, about four kilometers away. (dpa)

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