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Ex-BBB Fred’s white tongue is normal? Dentist explains symptom

Former BBB Fred Bruno celebrated his birthday last Friday (5/5) and invited some former participants of Globo’s reality show to the party. In the photos that record the moment, what most draws attention is the appearance of the birthday boy’s tongue. Fred’s tongue was quite white.

The white color of the tongue is called lingual coating, and is characterized by a plaque formed by the remains of cells, food and microorganisms from the mouth.

One of the most common causes for the tongue to turn white is poor hygiene. When this occurs, bacteria feed on the leftover food accumulated there after meals, proliferating.

“The tongue coating is more common in people who do not carry out proper hygiene of the mouth and tongue, which causes, for example, bad breath”, says surgeon dentist Kátia Blume, who works in Rio Grande do Sul. She highlights more examples of what can trigger the problem:

In addition to changes in the person’s breath, tongue coating can change the taste of food and compromise the health of the oral cavity, as it is a bacterial formation.

Treatment and prevention

The ideal tongue color, according to Kátia, is light pink. “To treat tongue coating, it is important to know if the patient is using any medication. But there are some habits capable of controlling the problem, such as brushing the organ regularly and using a tongue scraper, ”she says.

To avoid the accumulation of plaque on the tongue, it is recommended to drink plenty of water, reduce stress, balance your diet and avoid soft foods. It is also necessary to monitor oral health regularly.

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Diseases that show symptoms on the tongue

British rheumatologist Siobhan Deshauer, who has 918,000 followers on her YouTube channel, published a video on 4/29 in which she details various diseases that can manifest in our body through the tongue.

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