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Ex-minister Abad asks RTL for an apology after chronicles about his “stumps” and his “penguin” gait

Majority MP Damien Abad asked “public apology” this Friday, January 6 at RTL after two columns where a comedian was ironic about the “stumps” and the approach of ” Penguin “ of the disabled former minister. “I cannot tolerate having my physique attacked in such a degrading and humiliating way”said Damien Abad in a press release. “To attack my handicap with such violence […] is of a rare indignity and these handicapped attacks are totally unacceptable”he added.

Friday morning, comedian Philippe Caverivière compared Damien Abad to a ” Penguin “ having “the jolting gait of these friendly birds”.

Thursday, he had chronicled an imaginary Caesar ceremony with, among the male revelations, “Damien Abad in the amazing “The Stump, the Skirt and the Plaintiff””an allusion to his legal setbacks after accusations of rape.

Damien Abad has arthrogryposis, a rare congenital neuromuscular disease that results in joint deformities and stiffness, limiting range of motion. “I demand a public apology from this great national radio station. If necessary, I will ask my lawyers to consider the appropriate legal proceedings.he warned.

RTL “sincerely sorry”

“If Damien Abad felt particularly touched by Philippe Caverivière’s column, we are sincerely sorry”said RTL in a reaction to AFP.

The radio explained that “Philippe Caverivière is a comedian whose humor should be taken in the second degree” and underlined “his commitments against the disease”in particular as a sponsor of the Leo association, helping seriously ill children, who “clearly demonstrate his benevolence towards all those whom life has marked”.

How the “ball” Damien Abad was ejected from the government by Elisabeth Borne

“As for RTL, its values ​​of “living together” and its commitments in favor of major causes, such as the Yellow Pieces next week, are well established”added RTL.

Former leader of LR deputies, Damien Abad was appointed Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and People with Disabilities in May. He had left the government in early July, after the opening of a preliminary investigation for attempted rape.

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