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“Example of living democracy”: Traffic light coalition plans citizens’ council on the subject of nutrition

According to a report, the traffic light coalition wants to set up a so-called citizens’ council on the subject of nutrition. The plan should first be presented to the parliamentary groups on Tuesday and passed in the Bundestag on Wednesday, the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported.

“With the citizens’ council, we are bringing the opinion of the citizens closer to parliament,” said Green MP Leon Eckert of the newspaper. The Council should become an “example of democracy in action”.

According to the draft of the appointment decision, the committee should deal with the topic of “nutrition in transition”, as the newspaper further reported. The citizens’ council should take a “look at the upheavals in nutrition that are already taking place in everyday life” and bring in the perspective of the citizens.

According to the report, the first meeting is scheduled for September. 160 randomly drawn citizens aged 16 and over are to take part. By the end of February 2024, they are to draw up a citizen’s report with recommendations for politics.

The project goes back to an agreement in the coalition agreement. There it says: “We will set up and organize citizens’ councils for specific issues by the Bundestag.”

In the last legislative period there was a citizens’ council on foreign policy under the patronage of the then Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU). This project was organized by the Mehr Demokratie association. (AFP)

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