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Excellence GPA Gets You To UTEP

Juarez City.- Since he was in his second semester, Raúl Rogero Landeros, a student at the Center for Technological and Industrial Studies (CETIS) number 61, started working to be able to pay for his English classes and prepare hard for when he reached fifth grade, to be able to apply for the scholarship for excellence from the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP).

Now he is 18 years old, he is in the sixth semester and yesterday he was summoned to his school without knowing why, but in front of his classmates he was surprised that he had won the scholarship, which was given to him by UTEP personnel.

“I realized from the second semester, I saw the requirements that UTEP had, from that moment I began to strive to have the best grades, learn English and work hard to meet the requirements, when I was in fifth grade I began to apply and do the paperwork, I already had everything I needed,” he said.

During these two years, Raúl worked, studied English and continued with his high school without lowering his GPA of 9.7, he said.

“At school I didn’t fail at all, my GPA was excellent, my work was perfect, I gave myself completely to study, to learn English and to work to be able to continue studying. By the fifth semester I already had more financial problems and could no longer study, and what I did was a modality called dual education, in which I can work and study; I currently work as an administrator in a company and study at the same time”, she commented.

The father is a merchant and his mother works in a maquiladora industry.

Yesterday Irma Canull, from the CETIS outreach department, quoted him saying that he had to go because there were problems for him to graduate, but that was just the pretext to surprise him.

“I was very excited, I felt proud and hope completely returned to me because it was no longer a dream but a reality. There was Professor Acaz, who has been a person who has supported me to move forward; teacher Irma Canull, who helped me study in the dual modality; and my colleagues, some of my friends lived with me what seemed like a very distant dream and now they were also very excited and it was very nice, ”he continued.

German López, director of the recruitment area of ​​UTEP, who delivered the award, said that it is about the scholarship of excellence, which covers 5,000 dollars a year for the selected student, that is, 20,000 dollars for their entire career. Raúl chose Civil Engineering.

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