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Exchange rate: the Algerian dinar against currencies in the Bank and the black market on April 23

According to the opening trade quotations of the Algerian dinar at the Bank of Algeria from April 20 to 24, 2023, the euro unit is exchanged against 148.44 Algerian dinars for purchase and against 148.51 Algerian dinars for sale. For its part, the single US dollar is bought at 135.52 Algerian dinars and sold at 135.54 Algerian dinars on the same exchange market.

In addition to the USD/EUR pair, trade quotes from the Bank of Algeria indicate that it is possible to buy the single Canadian dollar at 100.58 Algerian dinars and sell it at 100.62 Algerian dinars. Moreover, on the formal exchange market, the rate of purchase of the Emirati dirham remains at 36.89 Algerian dinars and its rate of sale at 36.91 Algerian dinars.

At the same time, and at the level of the informal exchange market, the value of foreign currencies stagnates and shows very little variation. Indeed, the traders of the Square of Algiers still exchange the euro against 222.00 Algerian dinars for purchase and against 224.00 Algerian dinars for sale. But also, the single greenback against 204.00 Algerian dinars for purchase and against 206.00 Algerian dinars for sale.

In addition, the unit of the Canadian dollar is bought in black at 148.00 Algerian dinars and is sold at 150.00 Algerian dinars. While the purchase of the Emirati dirham was established at 52.00 Algerian dinars and its sale at 55.00 Algerian dinars, and this, at the level of the informal stock exchange.

It should be remembered that the formal currency exchange market is a system regulated and controlled by governments and central banks, where exchange rates are established according to the economic and political conditions of the country. In contrast, the informal currency exchange market is an unregulated system, where supply and demand determine exchange rates.

Bank of Algeria and informal market: dinar exchange rate on April 23

Below, you will find a table summarizing the exchange rates of the national currency against the main foreign currencies for this Sunday, April 23, 2023:

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