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Excluded. Unheard of in The Voice! Mea and Prichia shake up the rules of the show and ask to form a duo

Unheard of in The Voice ! This Saturday April 15, 2023, at the end of their Battle, Prichia, 26, 2020 French beatbox champion, and Mea, a professional dancer two years her junior, make an astonishing request. Despite the choice of Zazie to eliminate the latter, the two talents urge the jury to let them continue the adventure… together. “Whatever happens, our duo must continue”try to assert the young women who, after the fact, swear to us that nobody knew, except them, of the pact which they had sealed a little earlier, the very day of the recording of the program . “In fact, we were careful to see how the events would turn out live, before revealing our artistic intention”reveals Prichia, joined by Tele-Leisure.

The production of The Voice 2023 distraught in the face of the unprecedented request from Mea and Prichia

On set, this totally unexpected request sparked a real moment of hesitation… then boiling. “We didn’t see it coming.tells a posteriori Pascal Guix, the artistic producer of the tele-hook: We were both happy and annoyed by this great proposal because we had never considered it from a contractual point of view”, he explains. Fortunately, the initial reluctance is finally lifted very quickly. By a show of hands, the coaches, as well as all the candidates present during the filming of the Battles, act on the request of Mea and Prichia, now linked by the same artistic destiny.

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“We laughed so much that the production thought we had known each other for a long time”: Mea and Prichia (The Voice 2023) talk about their friendship

However, behind the scenes, the complicity of the candidates had been evident for some time. For Tele-Leisurethe duo recalls their meeting. “It happened during the coaching with Zazie, after the blind auditions”, says Prichia, a broad smile in her voice. Between these two hip-hop enthusiasts, love at first sight is immediate: “We laughed so much that the production thought we had known each other for a long time”, adds Mea. A symbiosis that marked Zazie: “I told them they should consider something together…”, the coach tells us about her two “satellites”, as she poetically calls them. The more the days pass, the more their tandem merges: “Our duo combines two opposing energies which, when brought together, create a balance”, analyzes Prichia, originally from Porto in Portugal and who moved to the Paris region ten years ago with Luis and Luisa, her parents. An opinion shared by Mea: “I finally feel complete in my art thanks to her”, adds the Lyonnaise. Revealed in broad daylight, will this association now be their best asset for the rest of the show? Answer in a few weeks during the Cross Battles…

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The birth of a duo in season 8 of The Voice

A pair has already formed during the show, but the idea did not come from the candidates. It was in 2019, during the final evening of the Battles. That night, Arezki and Geoffreythe talents of Jenifer, had interpreted Sonotone the MC Solar. Their chemistry on the set had been so strong that the coach had suggested that they continue the adventure together. Delighted, the two candidates had accepted on the spot and had thus been able to access the bonuses directly.

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