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Executive enacts law that merges Taxation and Customs

Executive enacts law that merges Taxation and Customs

This Friday, the first law promoted by the elected government was published in the official government gazette, which establishes the unification of the two collecting entities in the country: the Undersecretary of State for Taxation and the Customs Directorate, which come to depend on the new Directorate of Tax Revenues.

With this, the law enters into force and will be available to the next president Santiago Peña, with whom the start-up will be launched.

In the explanatory memorandum, the bill states that The fight against informality, through the SET and Customs, did not have the expected success, precisely because of the lack of a unified leadership.

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It adds that the merger is fully foreseen and organized in the Bill, so that the integration of the current collecting entities is as quick and efficient as possible.

It is planned to convert the current collection authorities into General Managements dependent on the new Tax Directorate, as operating units similar to the “business units” of large companies.


According to estimates, the unification of the collecting entities will allow the generation of an additional 400 million dollars a year.

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The entry of the Executive enacts a law that merges Taxation and Customs was first published in Diario HOY.

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