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exercise against influenza

Yarek Gayosso/Agencia Reforma

jueves, 20 april 2023 | 06:49

Mexico City.- Exercising will help your immune system to react in a timely manner to the interseasonal influenza that occurs from May to September.

Influenza is a viral infection that is transmitted by coughing or snoring and affects the nose, throat and lungs, which is why physical activity will help you to reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease in case of contagion.

“We are two or three weeks away from the end of the influenza period, however, an interseasonal period from May to September begins in which the cases decrease, but influenza continues to present. One would think that with the arrival of the heat this disappears and it’s not like that”, explains doctor Ángelo Quiroz.

“I start to think about people who exercise or go to gyms or exercise outdoors, one must prevent sudden changes in temperature and keep us well hydrated. We have to continue promoting hand washing, if we have symptoms it is important go to the doctor and carry out the tests”.

The most susceptible to contracting influenza are the people of the third age, the embarrassed women or those who have an immune system disease such as HIV or cancer or chronic illnesses or people with asthma, diabetes or hypertension.

“The exercise helps to have a healthy life and helps those that the body’s defenses are present and can still be strengthened, and it gets stronger because putting your body to do an activity like running or spinning produces in the body a secretion of substances.

“Exercise does not prevent influenza, but exercise helps to strengthen the immune system, exercise helps the immune system react more opportunely and there is less severity in the symptoms”, explains the specialist.

Each human being reacts differently to influenza; the important thing is to diagnose it in a timely manner with a health professional.


After 24 or 48 hours without symptoms you could go back to performing physical activity, but always by the hand of a professional.

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