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Exercise in the Sun: Get Informed

Exercising outdoors can become a great passion, but doing it when the sun beats down on the body can become the worst nightmare. You don’t need to be a high-performance athlete and there’s no difference between a person used to sports and someone who’s just starting out: everyone is exposed to heat stroke.

Sports medicine and nutrition are two great guardians that should be worn like tennis shoes or the best sports clothing. Knowing that exercising in the sun without taking protective measures can cause everything from dehydration to sudden death is even more important than the desire to exercise despite temperatures above 28 degrees Celsius.

Hydration, a good diet, cardiac and thyroid check-ups, and everything that makes a personalized study is the key to complying with sports discipline and, also, advising other people to know their body, limits, and reactions.

In spring and summer in Mexico temperatures of up to 40 degrees can be experienced and in certain cities air pollution is added. The trick is to be able to play sports, which by nature require the outdoors, but taking care of the body.

How long can a person with or without experience maintain physical exercise under high temperatures?

“There is no set time and it depends on the person’s functional capacity, that is, how much they are trained,” explains Mauricio Mejía, specialist in sports medicine and medical coordinator of the Colombia Marathon.

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