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“Experiment failed”: OpenAI boss grumbles about working from home

Everyone is talking about OpenAI these days, after all GPT, GPT-4 and Dall-E come from there. The company is less progressive when it comes to the workplace, with CEO Sam Altman speaking out against working from home, calling it a “failed experiment.”

During the pandemic, all companies that even remotely could have been forced to let their employees work from home. This was well received by the employees and many wished to be able to keep the option of working from home.

Some companies agreed, many also opted for hybrid models, but some companies drove their employees back to the offices. Perhaps the most well-known example was and is Tesla, Elon Musk showed no mercy and threatened to fire employees if they didn’t return to the office – even in hardships.

“Startups need to come together”

Sam Altman also rejects such remote home work, and does so categorically. How fortune reported, the OpenAI boss said that working from home was a serious mistake: “I think one of the worst mistakes the tech industry has made in a long time was the assumption that everyone could work remotely forever and that startups didn’t have to meet in person and that there would be no loss of creativity.” Altman continued, “I would say the experiment is over and the technology isn’t good enough to allow remote working forever, especially for startups.” This applies above all when ideas are “more fragile, more nuanced and more uncertain” and you need a corresponding amount of time for personal discussions.

The OpenAI boss is not alone with this opinion, on the contrary. In the IT industry of all places, many top managers really hate working from home, while this working model is particularly popular with their subordinates.

  • OpenAI boss Sam Altman rejects home office as a “failed experiment”.
  • Many IT managers hate working from home, while subordinates like it.
  • Ideas “more fragile, more nuanced and more uncertain”: personal discussions necessary.
  • Startups need to “get together in person”.

See also:

Home office, home office, video chat, video conference, home work, call, meeting, at home, working from home, conferencing, call, video call, video call, online meeting

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