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Explorer is renewed, the news coming to Windows 11

Windows Explorer is one of the essential Windows programs and allows you to access your PC’s files and resources. In recent years, the competition has moved far forward, introducing innovative features that offer an advantage in terms of usability: not only the Finder present in macOS, but also the various Nautilus, Dolphin, Nemo of the various GNU/Linux distributions have been integrating for years features that have only recently arrived in Microsoft Explorer. Just think of the possibility of open multiple tabs exactly as we do with our internet browsers, so as to keep multiple folders open and visible.

Looking at mock-ups of what will be the next Explorer, Microsoft seems to be on the right track. The news is about not only the visual aspect, but also the introduction of features intended to increase productivity.

mock-ups obtained by Windows Central colleagues reveal that the new version will feature a new window layout and a new view of files and folders. New are also theresearch area and the “Home” button which will refer to the user folder; the “new”, “copy” and “paste” buttons move further downjust above the box with files and folders, the “recent files” section is also revised, becoming a feed of “recommended” files, presented with larger thumbnails that will make it easier to see which files are suggested.

The new Explorer interface with the new section

The sidebar on the left will also be modernized with new, more rounded icons, in line with the new design of Windows 11, and will offer a advanced integration with Microsoft Office and OneDrive. For example, you can view information such as emails or comments from colleagues about a shared file directly in that file’s details pane.

Office and one drive integration will make productivity easier and faster – Credit: Windows Central

2 other functions probably coming will be dedicated to image previews, which could enlarge to show more details with a simple mouseover, and the ability to add tags to files in a very similar way to what is offered by the macOS Finder. This would allow users to organize and categorize specific files using keywords and colors.

Microsoft has not communicated which of these features will certainly arrive in the hands of users, but they are certainly all welcome innovations that make Explorer more complete, functional and in step with the times. Second Windows Centralthe possible release of this update is anticipated by the end of 2023likely with the 23H2 release this fall.

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